Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

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  • Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Shavasana is a resting and restorative pose, or asana, typically used at the end of a yoga session.

By lying in a supine position with the arms and legs extended, the body enters a state of complete relaxation, allowing any accumulated stress to dissipate.

Doing Savasana or meditation after a workout brings the body back to homeostasis or a balanced state. It regulates the hormones. Besides, as you exercise, your organs perform in overdrive. But Savasana, as a meditative and restorative practice, brings your organs back to function regularly, thus facilitating recovery.

When we’re relaxed, our parasympathetic nervous system is activated, causing a lowered heart rate, a sense of calm, and a decreased release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. And the benefits of reducing stress are widely known: it can diminish the symptoms of many health conditions including inflammation, anxiety, managing diabetes, depression, and insomnia. It helps in lowering blood pressure and decreasing headache.

It also reduces the risk of heart diseases & is useful for recovery in chronic illness.

Plus, reducing stress makes us feel good.

Shavasana can actually be the most challenging and beneficial of all the poses. That’s because the essence of Shavasana is to relax the mind and body while remaining present and maintaining awareness. Never Skip Shavasana if you want the full benefit of your yoga class or your workout .

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Naina Yoga

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